

12-1/2"x2-1/4" (57-203/62-203) Tire and Tube Set with Knobby Tread for Kick Scooters

SKU CT.02426 X98-2085 Category Tags ,


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Our 12-1/2″x2-1/4″ (57-203/62-203) tire and tube set with knobby tread for kick scooters is one of the best deals going
This great knobby tread tire and heavy-duty inner tube combination will fit on a very wide range of applications
30 Day Warranty Description

Our 12-1/2″x2-1/4″ (57-203/62-203) tire and tube set with knobby tread for kick scooters is one of the best deals going. This great knobby tread tire and heavy-duty inner tube combination will fit on a very wide range of applications. Please click the compatibility tab to get a list of the kick scooters this rubber will work on.
And of course the very best part of any Monster Scooter Parts’ deal is the unbeatable price.

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