

Starter Relay for the Baja Phoenix (PX250) - VIN Prefix LUAH

SKU JDQ.03282 E41-9637 Category Brand


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This starter relay for the Baja Phoenix (PX250) – VIN Prefix LUAH is the perfect replacement part on your scooter.
A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under the application of a second electrical circuit. In basic operation, the relay controls an output circuit of much higher power than the input circuit.
A relay allows the controls for the high power circuit to be made with lower capacity wiring and switches.
Monster Scooter Parts is your best source for hard-to-find Baja Motorsports parts. Monster Scooter Parts can bring our customers just about any replacement Baja item available. Compatibility

Baja Motorsports Phoenix 250 (PX250)

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