

TE0610141 Silencer RS180 Runner Fxr 180 2T Piaggio 125 Typhoon X XR 2T 1995-2003

SKU 1669 TE0610141 Category Brand


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Racing exhaust TECNIGAS RS 180, for APRILIA / GILERA SR125 180, for APRILIA / GILERA SR125 / Runner / FX125 / FXR180 without E pass only for competition! Not allowed in the German StVZO area! Ol! Spanish temperament for your scooter with the TECHNIGAS Avanti and “R Avanti. The only red that will flash here is the color of your back light in the eye of the man behind you. 26nbsp%; Material: Steel / Aluminum Muffler / cone-CounterCone / usually E-Pass 26nbsp%; Next up is the successor, in stock for many models. Sporty optics, quiet aluminum muffler, robust power increase, extreme light weight, good durability, right price / performance ratio. Next muffler R (now black) has changed the intake, extra welding, comes for many models with E-Pass 26nbsp%; SIP-TIP! Lightweight vario rolls, harder clutch springs, larger main jets (about 5%). 26nbsp%; German Scooter Magazine SCOOTER 26 amp%; SPORT July / August 2002: A real bargain from Spain … German Scooter Magazine MOTORETTA November / December 2002: … optics of success …! 26nbsp%; SIP TUNING LEVEL 2 / SPORT Rpm: -9,500

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